International Journal of Engineering Insights: (2024) Vol. 2, Nro.1, Regular Paper
Analysis of Degradability of Blackberry (Rubus glaucus)
Subjected to Different Storage Conditions
Eduardo Teneda-Ramos · Lorena aceres-Miranda · Pedro
Escudero-Villa · Esteban Fuentes-P´erez · Jos´e Varela-Ald´as
Received: 10 Feb 2024 / Accepted: 24 April 2024 / Published: 15 May 2024
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess how
different storage conditions and types of containers af-
fect blackberries (Rubus glaucus), fruits that are partic-
ularly susceptible to post-harvest deterioration. Com-
parisons were made between two temperature condi-
tions: room temperature (19
C) and refrigeration (4
and three types of container materials: low-density
polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP), and poly-
lactic acid (PLA). The findings indicated that refrig-
eration is the most effective strategy for maintaining
the quality of blackberries during storage. This method
significantly preserved the weight and stability of the
fruit, with PLA standing out in this respect. Addition-
ally, a considerable reduction in microbial activity was
observed under refrigeration, with LDPE proving to be
the most effective at inhibiting mold growth. These re-
sults underscore the importance of properly controlling
both temperature and container materials type to ex-
tend shelf life and preserve the quality of blackberries,
which is crucial not only for the food industry, where
maintaining freshness and flavor is imperative, but also
for consumers who seek high-quality fruit products.
Keywords Storage · Degradability · Rubus glaucus ·
Refrigeration · Maturity index
Eduardo Teneda-Ramos · Lorena aceres-Miranda
SISAu Research Group, Facultad de Ingenier´ıa, Industria y
Producci´on-Universidad Indoam´erica
Ambato, Ecuador
Pedro Escudero-Villa
Facultad de Ingenier´ıa, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
Riobamba, Ecuador
Esteban Fuentes-P´erez
G+ BioFood and Engineering Group, Department of Food
Science and Engineering, Technical University of Ambato
Ambato, Ecuador
Jos´e Varela-Ald´as
Centro de Investigaci´on en Ciencias Humanas y de la
Educaci´on—CICHE, Universidad Indoam´erica
Riobamba, Ecuador
1 Introduction
The growing demand for fresh, high-quality, and long-
lasting foods has significantly boosted research and de-
velopment in this area [1,2]. Fresh fruits and vegeta-
bles, vital sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxi-
dants, suffer physical and microbial deterioration, caus-
ing losses of up to 30% during post-harvest and stor-
age stages [3,4]. Specifically, crops such as roots, tu-
bers, and oilseeds experience the highest loss rates at
all stages of the supply chain due to their high perisha-
bility [5,6]. Fruits, highly susceptible to physiological
and physicochemical changes such as weight loss, res-
piration, transpiration, pulp softening, and alterations
in sugar and acidity levels, see their shelf life reduced
[7]. In other words, the period during which fresh foods
remain suitable for sale and human consumption is lim-
ited [8].
Fruits are classified into two categories based on
their behavior towards ethylene during ripening: cli-
macteric and non-climacteric [9,10]. Climacteric fruits
can continue to ripen after harvest and are capable of
producing ethylene, a gas that triggers biochemical and
physical changes resulting in complete ripening [11,12].
On the other hand, non-climacteric fruits do not pro-
duce ethylene and thus have limited ability to soften or
change flavor after harvest, also being more prone to
damage during transport and having a shorter shelf life
compared to climacteric fruits [13].
Currently, a variety of materials are used to package
fresh products, with the use of Polyethylene Tereph-
thalate (PET) and Polystyrene (PS) for rigid contain-
ers, and polyolefins for bags, PS for foam trays, and
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) for wraps standing out [14].
All these materials are derived from petroleum poly-
mers [15] and are essential for ensuring product quality
during transport, storage, sale, and use [16]. The pack-
aging industry is currently focused on developing solu-
tions that extend the shelf life of foods, ensuring their
nutritional, microbiological, and organoleptic quality[17,
8 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
The Blackberry (Rubus glaucus) is a non-climacteric
fruit valued for its nutritional and antioxidant proper-
ties, pleasant color and flavor, and the health benefits it
provides to humans [20,21,22,23]. However, its quality
rapidly deteriorates after harvest, and it has a shelf life
of only 3 to 5 days, with losses that can reach up to 70%
due to its high water content and active metabolism, as
well as its susceptibility to mechanical damage and mi-
crobial attack, requiring special care during storage [24,
Various post-harvest initiatives have been proposed
to improve the conservation of blueberries, raspberries,
and blackberries throughout the entire supply chain
[29]. These include physicochemical methods such as
heat treatments, ultraviolet radiation application, sani-
tization, and edible coatings, as well as packaging solu-
tions such as Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)
and active packaging with ethylene control [30]. The
combined application of these technologies has
contributed to extending the shelf life of berries, meet-
ing the growing global demand, and improving con-
sumer satisfaction [31,32].
The use of various packaging materials, both bio-
based and petroleum-derived, oriented polylactic acid
(OPLA) and biaxially-oriented polystyrene (OPS), has
been suggested [33] to reduce the mechanical impact
on “Cancaska” and “Chester” blackberry varieties. Al-
though these fruits lost weight, altered their solid con-
tent and pH, their nutritional characteristics, according
to US standard No. 1, remained suitable for commer-
cialization for more than 12 days at 3 °C [14].
In contrast to using single-material packaging, ini-
tiatives have also been explored to assess the impact on
the quality and shelf life of blackberries stored at 4 °C
for 20 days in packaging with a prebiotic edible coat-
ing based on starch with nystatin addition [34,35,36].
This coating has reduced microbial contamination com-
pared to the control blackberries and those coated with
starch only. The starch and starch-nystatin coatings
have proven effective in delaying pH increase, maintain-
ing firmness, and the anthocyanin content of the fruits,
which has improved their market acceptance [37].
With the goal of assessing the degradability of Black-
berry in polymeric packaging, this study experimentally
investigated the fruit’s characteristics under different
environmental and packaging conditions. The effect of
storing the fruit in Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE),
Polypropylene (PP), and Polylactic Acid (PLA) pack-
aging under laboratory and refrigeration conditions was
analyzed. Analyses of the fruit’s physicochemical and
microbiological properties were conducted. The docu-
ment is organized as follows: Section 1 includes the In-
troduction, Section 2 the Methodology, Section 3 the
Fig. 1 General outline of the experiment.
Results, Section 4 the Discussion, and Section 5 the
2 Material and Methods
The methodology used in this research starts with the
harvesting process, followed by weighing, characteriza-
tion, packaging, and concludes with a physicochemical
analysis after the experiment. Figure 1 shows a general
schematic of the procedure.
2.1 Description of the experiment environment
The Basic Sciences Laboratory at Universidad Indoam´erica
served as the venue for conducting the experiment on
the ripeness index of the Blackberry. This study fo-
cused on assessing the fruit’s response under two differ-
ent storage conditions: in a laboratory setting at 19.0
degrees Celsius with a relative humidity of 59%, and in
a refrigeration chamber at 4 degrees Celsius with a rel-
ative humidity of 97%. These conditions aim to mimic
real storage scenarios, allowing for the analysis of the
fruit’s behavior in both contexts [38,39]. The lighting
in the laboratory was maintained constant at 500 lux,
9 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
ensuring an appropriate environment for all necessary
measurements, which contributed to the reliability and
validity of the results obtained.
2.2 Reception and weighing
For the harvest, Blackberries at ripeness levels 3 and 4
were selected, all of uniform size and free from physical
damage or microbial contamination [40]. These black-
berries were picked during the early hours of the exper-
iment day to ensure their freshness and prevent chemi-
cal or microbiological changes that could influence the
results. The harvesting was conducted by berry pro-
ducer associations in Canton Tisaleo, Ecuador. Con-
tainers with a capacity of 7 kg were used to transport
the product from the cultivation area to the laboratory,
taking an average time of 30 minutes.
2.3 Physicochemical characterization
As initial physicochemical parameters of the blackber-
ries, titratable acidity was determined using the po-
tentiometric method in accordance with the methodol-
ogy established by ISO 750:1998, Fruit and vegetable
products - Determination of titratable acidity - ISO
750:1998, and the results were expressed as a percentage
of citric acid (%). Soluble solids were measured follow-
ing the instructions of ISO 2173:2003, Determination of
soluble solids - Refractometric method ISO 2173:2003
, using a refractometer. The maturity index was calcu-
lated by the ratio of soluble solids to acidity [43].
2.4 Packaging
To begin the study, the blackberries were packaged in
three different types of containers: LDPE, PP, and PLA
as seen in Figure 2. In addition, the characteristics of
the containers are detailed in Table 1.
3 Results
3.1 Morphological analysis
The Blackberry can reach lengths of up to 3.5 cm and
diameters of up to 2.3 cm, with a weight ranging be-
tween 6.1 and 7.8 g. These fruits are generally conical
in shape. The seed, wedge-shaped with a reticulated
surface, measures between 4 and 6 mm in length and
about 2 mm in width. Each fruit contains around 70-
85 drupes, with yields that can reach up to 15 t/ha
Fig. 2 Experiment containers: A). LDPE, B). PP, C). PLA
Fig. 3 Colorimetry according to the state of maturity of the
[44,45]. In Ecuador, the cultivation of blackberries, pri-
marily represented by Rubus glaucus and other species
of the Rubus Genus, is spread throughout the Inter-
Andean valley, specifically at altitudes ranging from
2000 to 3100 meters above sea level. This crop plays
a significant role in the local economy due to its high
demand both for fresh consumption and processing [46,
47]. Blackberries are cultivated in the provinces of Tun-
gurahua, Cotopaxi, Bol´ıvar, Chimborazo, Pichincha, Im-
babura, and Carchi, with average annual yields increas-
ing from 2.19 t/ha in 2000 to 6.80 t/ha in 2016, pri-
marily destined for fresh consumption and the agro-
industry. Although producers are interested in varieties
that offer high fruiting, yield, and quality, blackberry
cultivation has not yet reached the desired development
in the country, partly due to the lack of promising ma-
terials that improve or complement traditionally culti-
vated ones [48,49,50].
According to Ecuatoriana Nte Inen 2204, the color
of the Blackberry, based on its ripeness, follows a color
scale ranging from 0 to 4, as detailed in Table 2.
In this research, blackberries in color scale 3 and 4
were used; Figure 3 Ecuatoriana Nte Inen 2204, shows
the colorimetry of the blackberries.
10 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
Table 1 Storage materials specifications
Material Description Dimensions (mm) Weight (g) Closed type
LDPE This material is notable for its flexibil-
ity, impact resistance, and translucence,
attributes that stem from its branched-
chain structure. This structure gives it
a low density, making it lightweight and
easily moldable. Its widespread use in
the production of bags, containers, and
toys is due to its versatility and excel-
lent chemical resistance [41].
10.95x95,00x61.00 18.28 Lid with pressure
and hinge
PP It is a type of thermoset plastic known
for its strength, lightness, and versatil-
ity. Commonly used in packaging, tex-
tiles, and automotive components, its
durability and malleability make it ex-
tremely popular across various indus-
tries [42].
10.95x95.00x61.00 19.10 Lid with pressure
and hinge
PLA PLA is a bioplastic derived from renew-
able sources such as cornstarch or sugar-
cane. It is noted for its biodegradability
and compostability, making it an envi-
ronmentally friendly option. Its versatile
properties make it suitable for the man-
ufacture of packaging, 3D printing fila-
ments, and disposable products.
Diameter 1: 99.00 x Di-
ameter 2: 112.00 x 120.00
19.38 Lid with pressure
and hinge
Table 2 Color scale according to state of maturity.
Color Description
0 Full green fruit or with few brown dru-
pes because of exposure to light with
well-formed drupes.
1 Light green fruit with some pink or red
2 Red fruit with some yellow drupes.
3 Intense red fruit with some purple dru-
4 Dark purple, almost black fruit.
3.2 Physicochemical evaluation
Figure 4 displays the results of the weight of the black-
berries according to the type of packaging and stor-
age temperature. It is observed that blackberries stored
at refrigeration temperature (4°C) maintain a slightly
higher weight compared to those stored at laboratory
temperature (19°C). This suggests that lower temper-
atures help to slow down weight loss in blackberries, a
phenomenon associated with a decrease in respiration
rate and fruit degradation.
Figure 5 shows the results of the weight variable ac-
cording to the type of study environment. Under labo-
ratory temperature conditions (19°C), blackberries stored
in LDPE and PLA tend to maintain a higher weight
compared to those stored in PP. However, under refrig-
eration conditions (4°C), the weight differences between
the different types of packaging are less significant. This
suggests that low temperatures may minimize the dif-
ferences in air permeability and moisture between dif-
ferent types of packaging.
Figure 6 presents the results of the Maturity Index
according to the type of packaging and storage temper-
ature. A decrease in the maturity index over time is
observed under both temperature conditions. However,
blackberries stored at refrigeration temperature (4°C)
tend to maintain a slightly higher maturity index com-
pared to those stored at laboratory temperature (19°C).
This suggests that refrigeration helps to slow down the
degradation process of the blackberries.
Figure 7 presents the results of the Maturity In-
dex according to the type of study environment. It was
observed that PLA outperformed other materials such
as LDPE and PP in terms of fruit stability, particu-
larly under refrigeration conditions. This suggests that
PLA has effective barrier properties against moisture
and gas loss, which is beneficial for fruit preservation.
At room temperature, LDPE maintained a higher ma-
turity index, indicating a greater ability to delay fruit
3.3 Microbiological evaluation
Figure 8 displays the microbiological results according
to the type of study environment. Optimal storage con-
ditions for blackberries were evaluated in relation to
microbial activity. The results highlighted how temper-
11 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
Fig. 4 Weight variation results: A.) LDPE, B.) PP, C.) PLA.
ature and the type of packaging influence this activity.
At room temperature, the conditions favor the devel-
opment of microbial activity, primarily due to the bar-
rier properties of the polymer used. In contrast, under
refrigeration conditions (4°C), all packaging materials
demonstrated a significant reduction in microbial ac-
Fig. 5 Results of weight variation according to the type of
environment: A.) Environment, B.) Refrigeration.
4 Discussion
When comparing temperatures, it was found that re-
frigeration (4°C) is more effective for preserving the
quality of blackberries compared to laboratory temper-
ature (19°C). This is due to the reduction in the res-
piration and transpiration rates of the fruit, which is
crucial for non-climacteric fruits that do not experi-
ence a peak in enzymatic activity during ripening [51].
Nonetheless, these enzymatic activities persist and can
influence changes in the texture and flavor of the fruit
[52,53]; lower temperatures slow these reactions.
Under refrigeration conditions, PLA outperformed
other types of packaging (LDPE and PP) in terms of
weight retention and maturity index stability. This in-
dicates that PLA possesses superior barrier properties
against moisture and gas loss, benefiting fruit preser-
vation [54]. At room temperature, although LDPE and
PP had similar performance in weight retention [55],
LDPE maintained a higher maturity index, suggesting
a better ability to delay ripening [56].
The high relative humidity in refrigeration (97%)
helped reduce weight loss due to the smaller difference
12 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
Fig. 6 Results of the variation in the Maturity Index ac-
cording to the type of packaging and storage environment:
A.) LDPE, B.) PP, C.) PLA.
between the moisture content of the fruit and the en-
vironment, thus reducing transpiration. In summary,
the ideal storage for blackberries depends both on tem-
perature and packaging material. PLA stands out as
the most promising material under controlled refrigera-
tion conditions, while LDPE provides better results at
room temperature [57]. These findings underscore the
importance of considering the interactions between en-
Fig. 7 Results of variation of the Maturity Index according
to the environment: A.) Environment, B.) Refrigeration.
vironmental factors and packaging type to maximize
the shelf life and postharvest quality of blackberries.
Optimal storage conditions for blackberries were also
analyzed in terms of microbial activity. At room tem-
perature (59% relative humidity), the environment is
more conducive to microbial development. PLA proved
to be more effective in inhibiting mold growth, followed
by LDPE and PP, due to its barrier properties that
limit moisture and gas transfer, creating a less favor-
able environment for microbial growth [58,10].
In refrigeration (4°C), all materials showed a signif-
icant reduction in microbial activity. The permeability
to oxygen and water vapor of the different packaging
types can influence the amount of mold present [59,60].
LDPE, being less permeable, provides a more effective
barrier against the entry of mold spores from the out-
side. Although PLA initially shows less mold, it can
become less effective over time due to its greater per-
meability, allowing more spore entry [61,62]. The high
relative humidity in refrigeration helps maintain turgor
and reduce fruit dehydration, decreasing osmotic stress
and, therefore, susceptibility to microbial attack. The
combination of low temperature and high relative hu-
13 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
Fig. 8 Results of the microbiological evaluation by environ-
ment: A.) Environment, B.) Refrigeration.
midity in refrigeration seems to be the most beneficial
for preserving postharvest quality and minimizing mi-
crobial activity in blackberries. These findings highlight
the importance of integrated control of packaging type
and environmental conditions to extend shelf life and
maintain the quality of non-climacteric fruits.
5 Conclusions
The characteristics of blackberries (Rubus glaucus) were
evaluated under various environmental and packaging
conditions to analyze their impact on the physicochem-
ical and microbiological properties of the fruit. The re-
sults provided valuable information for the development
of effective storage and preservation strategies. In terms
of physicochemical characteristics, it was found that re-
frigeration better preserves the quality of blackberries
compared to room temperature. The reduction in the
fruit’s respiration and transpiration rates at lower tem-
peratures significantly contributed to weight retention
and stability of the maturity index, suggesting that re-
frigeration, combined with appropriate packaging, ex-
tends shelf life and maintains the quality of blackberries
during storage.
Regarding microbiological characteristics, it was demon-
strated that both temperature and type of packaging
significantly affect microbial activity in blackberries. At
room temperature, conditions favor microbial develop-
ment; PLA was the most effective material in reducing
mold growth, followed by LDPE and PP. Under refrig-
eration, a significant reduction in microbial activity was
observed in all packaging types, with LDPE standing
out for its ability to provide an effective barrier against
the entry of mold spores from the outside.
A limitation of this study is the lack of analysis of
parameters such as antioxidant content, texture, or fla-
vor of the fruit. Including these parameters could pro-
vide a more comprehensive understanding of how differ-
ent storage and packaging conditions affect fruit quality.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of inter-
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