International Journal of Engineering Insights: (2024) Vol. 2, Nro. 1, Regular Paper
Real Time Brain Signals Viewer
Celis Gregory · Washington X. Quevedo
Received: 7 January 2024 / Accepted: 2 May 2024 / Published: 14 May 2024
Abstract: This paper addresses the successful integra-
tion of Emotiv EPOC and Unity for real-time visualiza-
tion of brain signals, representing a significant advance
in understanding and interacting with brain activity.
Real-time visualization of brain signals offers funda-
mental opportunities in neuroscience, brain-computer
interface, and cognitive therapy. Through this study, a
solid methodology was established to acquire, process,
and graphically represent brain signals in 2D, allowing
for an immersive and research-based experience. The
results, products generated and implications in areas
such as BCI and cognitive therapy are presented. Addi-
tionally, future exploration of integration with virtual
reality and clinical validation is proposed to advance
the understanding and application of real-time brain
activity. This research lays the foundation for low-cost
research and applications, promoting a deeper under-
standing of the human mind and its interaction with
Keywords Brain signals · 2D visualization · Real
time signals · emotiv-epoc · Unity
1 Introduction
Visualizing brain signals in real time is a fundamental
tool in neuroscience and cognitive research [1]. It en-
ables a deeper understanding of brain activity in var-
ious situations and contexts, opening possibilities for
clinical, research and brain-computer interface (BCI)
applications [2]. Brain wave analysis provides crucial
information about an individual’s mental, emotional,
Celis Gregory
Quito, Ecuador
Washington X. Quevedo
Inmersoft Technologies
Quito, Ecuador
and cognitive state [3]. The real-time study and visual-
ization of these brain waves has become more accessible
thanks to technological advancement, including devices
such as Emotiv EPOC [4], which captures non-invasive
brain signals. This article focuses on the integration of
Emotiv EPOC and Unity, a game-engine, for real-time
visualization of brain waves and exploring its possible
applications [5].
Below is a review of the literature that supports the
importance and relevance of this research. Real-time
visualization of brain signals is crucial for understand-
ing brain function, both under normal and pathological
conditions. It allows you to identify complex patterns
and correlations that would otherwise be difficult to
perceive [6]. The visual interpretation of brain activ-
ity can help understand cognitive [7], emotional, and
decision-making processes. In clinical studies, real-time
brain wave visualization is used for monitoring and di-
agnosing brain disorders such as epilepsy, attention, and
hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) [8], and dementia. Ad-
ditionally, in BCI environments [9], real-time visualiza-
tion facilitates interaction between the brain and exter-
nal devices, allowing control of wheelchairs, prostheses,
and other devices [10]. The goal of this research is to
address the need to build a replicable system that al-
lows real-time visualization of brain waves using Emo-
tiv EPOC and Unity. The aim is to develop a techni-
cal solution that provides an intuitive, real-time graph-
ical representation of brain activity, paving the way for
future research and interactive applications. The inte-
gration of devices like Emotiv EPOC and development
environments like Unity represents a significant oppor-
tunity to advance this area and develop innovative ap-
2 Problem
Real-time brain wave visualization is an essential tool
for understanding the functioning of the human brain
[10]. Traditionally, obtaining and analyzing brain sig-
nals were complex and expensive processes, reserved
26 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
primarily for laboratory environments. However, with
the advent of devices such as Emotiv EPOC, which offer
more affordable and non-invasive access to brain activ-
ity, it has become possible to explore new applications
and approaches [11].
Despite advances in technology accessibility, there is
still a lack of replicable systems that integrate electronic
devices like Emotiv EPOC with development environ-
ments like Unity for real-time visualization of brain
waves. The scientific community and developers face
the challenge of building effective and standardized sys-
tems that allow this integration in an effective and eas-
ily reproducible way.
The lack of a standardized solution limits progress
in research and practical applications. Creating a repli-
cable system, as proposed in this research, is crucial
to address this gap and facilitate future advances in
neuroscience, BCI, psychology, and other related disci-
plines. This research is justified by the need to advance
in the field of visualization of brain signals in real time
and its practical application. The integration of Emo-
tiv EPOC and Unity [12] offers significant potential to
explore new frontiers in areas such as cognitive therapy,
brain-computer interfaces, brain training and virtual re-
A replicable solution that allows brain waves to be
visualized in real time is an essential step towards more
interactive and impactful applications. The development
of this solution could lead to significant advances in the
design of technologies that improve the quality of life
of people with disabilities, allowing communication and
interaction with the environment more effectively. Ad-
ditionally, it could foster education and public under-
standing of the human brain and its processes.
3 Proposal
The proposed solution is presented in two block dia-
grams. The first diagram explains the development pro-
cess from data acquisition to export and subsequent
reading. While the second diagram shows the opera-
tion of the solution expressed in programming modules
with a vision by functions (Fig. 1).
For the development, starting points have been taken
from two different points: the origin of the data and the
processing of the information received to visualize them
numerically and as linear signals in 2D. From the data
source we have the Emotiv Epoc device module, which
starts with the connection and installation of the manu-
facturer’s own drivers and launchers, to move on to the
calibration part since a test user is required to obtain
signals. It is necessary to place the sensors in contact
Fig. 1 Diagram of develop path.
with the scalp and add enough output solution to the
sensors. In the Signal transmission block, the connec-
tion and data transmission are verified in real time from
the manufacturer’s own hub called Emotiv Launcher.
On the other hand, from the game-engine environment,
we start from the development of 2D Shapes that will
represent the lines with the values of each signal that
reaches the environment. This is achieved given that
there is a coordinate system with amplitude on the Y
axis and time units on the X axis. The location of the
values in this Cartesian plane is the function of the
block for transforming values into 2D lines. Next, the
Data Buffer block is responsible for managing the data
that arrives in real time, placing it in temporary mem-
ory, keeping it available for representation or storage.
Precisely the save to file block performs the task of
storing the displayed data, not the received data, since
in the user interface you can modify the time scale val-
ues or add marks, in this way the data that the user
previously configured, the saving formats are in .CSV
and .JSON which may be used by third parties or dis-
played again differently in a new version of the solu-
tion. The last block is developed to be able to view
the files generated by the solution to re-view the infor-
mation as a function of time once the data capture is
completed, with the aim of sharing and viewing data
between teams.
To visualize the solution in full operation, it has
been captured in a diagram of modules that generally
exemplify the process of visualizing brain signals in real
time. In operation you can see 3 important sections, the
main one is the module that runs in the Unity game-
engine, the second is the real-time brain signal acqui-
sition hardware Emotiv EPOC and the third module
refers to the generated products for the solution: i) In
27 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
the hardware section you can view the Emotiv EPOC
device as it sends brain signals via Bluetooth to the
PC, the block that receives, manages, and allows ac-
cess to said signals is the manufacturer’s own (Emo-
tiv Launcher) [13], the Unity module is connected to
this block. ii) This macro module is made up of two
sections, 2d environment and the scripts section. The
scripts section exemplifies all the programming carried
out, which consists of a Subscription module, which
connects to the Emotiv Launcher and manages the data
it will obtain, the sending of authentication credentials
(since it is a proprietary system, it is necessary to meet
the requirements from the manufacturer to access the
data) and allows you to read the sections of interest for
the application. In this case, the subscribed sections
are ECG (encephalogram data), Motion (data on the
user’s head movement), Facial Expressions (data pro-
cessed by the launcher that directly allow us to know if
the user smiles or grimaces), Mental Commands (they
are pre-processed signals training the user to move ob-
jects (pull, push, left, right for example) [14]. These
signals go directly to the records module which stores
the displayed data in volatile memory and then writes
the displayed data to files on the hard drive. It should
be noted that a marker module has been added, which
the user can place as a reference to a stimulus made to
the user. tests as a timestamp that identifies this event.
The data from the subscription module is also con-
sumed by the serialization values module since it must
be transformed into valid formats for later display. The
next module through which the serialized data travel is
the GameObject UI, which manages the user interface,
that is, it allows you to decide the data that will be
displayed, change parameters such as the scale in am-
plitude and function of time, the option has also been
placed to numerically visualize the signal together with
its 2D visual representation. iii) finally, there is the
generated product management module which includes
the export and import of files in .*CSV and Json for-
mat, for later viewing in the application or processing
in third-party tools. A database module has also been
added so that it can be made available in real time and
consumed without the need for file transfers. See Fig.
4 Test
This section describes the methodology used to test the
real-time brainwave visualization solution using Emotiv
EPOC and Unity. The initial conditions of the experi-
ment, the procedures to follow and how the replicability
of the results is guaranteed will be detailed. The test-
ing objective of this solution is the visualization of user
waves in real time without mental, logic or stress test-
ing approach. Only the visualization of its waves will be
carried out within the 2D environment and the manip-
ulation of visualization parameters. To continue with
the procedure, it is necessary to recalibrate the device
with the new test user since everyone is a unique case.
1. Calibration is carried out using the tool provided
by the manufacturer (see Fig. 3), Emotiv launcher.
2. It is necessary to place the sensors in the ap-
proximate position of the graph until reaching 100%
connection (see Fig. 4). It may be necessary to increase
the saline levels in each transducer to achieve the green
color in all sensors.
3. Now it is necessary to ask the patient to calm
down and breathe deeply with his eyes closed, all to
achieve 100% signal capture in the ECG (see Fig. 5).
4. Next, run the solution in the Unity environment
(see Fig. 6). It is recommended not to create an exe-
cutable since in the testing stage it may be necessary
to make hot adjustments for the correct visualization
of the signals.
5. Select the information modules that you want to
display in the 2D plane, in this case it will be the ECG
and Motion (see Fig. 7).
6. ECG signals can be displayed in 2D line format in
time domain, in addition to Motion data in numerical
format (see Fig. 8).
7. Press the record button to start capturing the
data displayed in the 2D environment.
Finally, the products resulting from the experiment
can be viewed for subsequent review and analysis. In
the case of replicability, it is detailed that each test
is unique, and that the analysis of results focuses on
obtaining the final products.
5 Results and Analysis
In this section, the results obtained from real-time brain
wave visualization tests using Emotiv EPOC and Unity
are presented. The products generated by the solution
are described and their implications for future research
and applications are analyzed. The successful imple-
mentation of the solution has generated the following
1. Signal Structure: A complete and structured col-
lection of all brain signals recorded during testing. In-
cludes preprocessed data and relevant metadata in JSON
format (see Fig. 9).
2. Excel File for Processing: An Excel file that con-
tains the brain signals ready to process and analyze,
contains the values with their respective timestamp, as
well as a column in which you can detail the markers
made by the investigator (see Fig. 10).
28 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
Fig. 2 Main function diagram.
Fig. 3 Configure EMOTIV screen.
Fig. 4 Dashboard of the 16 sensor status.
Fig. 5 Check of the ECG Quality status.
Fig. 6 Unity screen with the proposal.
In addition, you can view one in real time when
a file generated by this application is opened. With a
time-dependent slider that allows you to recreate the
captured signals for greater ease of visualization by the
researcher. This animation allows an intuitive under-
29 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2024) 2:1
Fig. 7 UI for control the data from EMOTIV.
Fig. 8 Graph of signals from EEG in Real-Time.
Fig. 9 Data structure in JSON.
standing of the variations in brain activity during the
capture of brain signals.
6 Conclusions
Possible directions for future research and applications
based on this solution are proposed. The integration
of Emotiv EPOC and Unity was successfully achieved
for real-time visualization of brain waves, providing a
graphical and interactive representation of brain activ-
ity. The generated products, including signal database,
ready-to-process Excel file and interactive animation,
are useful resources for future research and applications.
The solution has significant implications in fields such
as brain-computer interface, cognitive therapy and neu-
roscience research, showing its potential to transform
the way we interact with technology and understand-
ing of the human brain.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of inter-
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