International Journal of Engineering Insights: (2023) Vol. 1, Nro.1, Regular Paper
Methodological proposal for the integration of agile
methodologies and PMBOK
Francisco Javier Galora-Silva · Alex V. Nu˜nez
Received: 10 June 2023 / Accepted: 2 September 2023
Abstract: Proper project management is a constant
need faced by most organizations worldwide. There is
a growing focus on combining PMBOK practices with
agile principles, creating a hybrid approach that lever-
ages the best of both worlds. In this sense, this paper
proposes to deepen and combine the most effective ele-
ments of the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK) with the agile approach to project manage-
ment. This is done taking into account that adequate
project management will allow aligning the organiza-
tion’s objectives and generating value for all parties in-
volved. As a result, it is expected to obtain optimal
conclusions from the development of the project and
achieve the best results from the application of AG-
ILE+ PMBOK best practices. This will serve as a pro-
posal for other organizations in the sector to continue
evolving their management practices.
Keywords Management · Project · Agile · PMBOK ·
1 Introduction
In an increasingly complex and competitive world, project
management has become crucial to ensure the success-
ful implementation of strategic initiatives. It provides a
structure and systematic approach to address projects
of diverse nature, from infrastructure construction to
software development, new product launches, events,
scientific research, and more.
A project can be defined as a set of non-repetitive activ-
ities that require planning and the definition of objec-
tives, costs, and time [1] and for this reason, adequate
Francisco Javier Galora-Silva
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Tel.: +593-99-5488354
Alex V. Nu˜nez
Essex County College
Estados Unidos
management that involves the application of knowl-
edge, skills, tools and techniques to meet the requested
requirements is key.
In recent years, project management is gaining more
and more visibility and importance for public and pri-
vate companies, however, proper management is still a
very complicated process [2] since management covers
all levels of the organization, which may contain one or
many business units and may pay one or hundreds of
people, these may range from simple to very complex
projects, and may be employed in one location or in
several locations in several countries [3].
Project management is based on various methodolo-
gies and frameworks, such as PMBOK (Project Man-
agement Body of Knowledge), PRINCE2 (Projects IN
Controlled Environments), Agile, Scrum, Kanban, among
others [4].
These methodologies provide principles, tools and
techniques that help project managers meet project spe-
cific challenges and adapt to changing conditions[5].
However, many organizations still find it difficult to im-
plement proper project management and therefore fail
to maximize the return on their investments in the var-
ious projects they undertake.
The use of a project management methodology implies
a constant updating, in other words, that the organiza-
tion of the steps through which a given project will be
executed. In this sense, this work proposes to elaborate
a proposal of a methodology for integrated management
of the agile approach and the most appropriate princi-
ples of PMBOK.
2 Related Works
In the literature it has been identified that there are few
studies that develop the integration of agile methodolo-
gies and PMBOK for ICT project management, since
these are performed independently and not integrating
the characteristics of each of these, so the development
of this work will be of great contribution to the scien-
tific and academic community.
9 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
Initially in [6], comparing the project management pro-
cesses defined by the PMBOK principles with a number
of agile project management processes and methodolo-
gies, the paper demonstrates that agile methods do not
define all the facets necessary to cover all aspects of
project management in the traditional sense and that
this result implies that the integration of agile methods
with the PMBOK principles will benefit the software
project management community.
On the other hand, in [7], compares the PMBOK princi-
ples with the agile methodologies, analyzing the advan-
tages and disadvantages of using each of them in project
management. It is mentioned that to successfully exe-
cute these phases there must be a cultural change in
the organization, where it is accepted that continuous
improvement of the processes is necessary.
In [8], an analysis of the different phases of PMBOK and
their relationship with the approach to agile method-
ologies in project management is made, stating that
the agile approach goes in a completely different direc-
tion from traditional methodologies, by rejecting plan-
ning and rigid processes, it tries to increase flexibility,
so that integrating these two management methodolo-
gies would significantly benefit the management of a
The CHAOS Report, from The Standish Group com-
pany [9], which is generally published every two years
since 1994 with the aim of measuring success and failure
in more than 50,000 IT projects, mentions the success
or failure of software projects. 000 IT projects, mentions
the success or failure of software projects, and describes
that in 2020, only 31% of all projects surveyed were
successful (i.e. delivered on time, within ’budget and
with the features and functions required from potential
customers), 50% were considered challenging (projects
delivered late, over budget and/or with less than the
required features and functions), 19% were unsuccess-
ful (projects cancelled before completion or were deliv-
ered and never used). However, these results show an
increase in project success rates since 2015, when the
success rate was only 29%, highlighting the importance
of implementing better project management practices
The literature identified in previous paragraphs demon-
strates the importance of using methodologies in project
management, since they are a determining factor in the
success or failure of a project. And the integration of
several methodologies will allow to generate new knowl-
edge when managing projects and will be a great sup-
port in the scientific and academic field.
3 Proposal
Although project management under agile methodolo-
gies is mostly focused on highly technical projects, many
organizations appreciate the value of using the best
practices they recommend and apply them to projects
outside the area of software design and development.
An agile project is not predictable in its entirety, only
the general requirements of the stakeholder will be known
at the beginning, instead, a close accompaniment is
planned with the stakeholders to collect the require-
ments and perform iterations between weeks, if there
are changes this does not represent a big problem in
the execution of the project. It is proposed to use an
Fig. 1 PMBOK integrated with agile methodology
agile approach throughout the project cycle to opti-
mize the process and increase customer involvement.
In the initialization phase, the amount of unnecessary
documentation will be reduced and the customer will
be encouraged to be actively involved in the develop-
ment. In the planning stage, an agile approach will also
be applied by making use of available frameworks and
tools, such as the Kanban board. During the execution
of the project, the focus will be on developing modu-
lar and functional products in short periods of time,
which will allow presenting complete prototypes that
the client will be able to test. The process is described
in Figure 1.
However, in the monitoring and closure process, the
PMBOK recommendations will be followed, since, ac-
10 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
cording to the ”Agile Alliance” documentation, in projects
with stable requirements and low level of uncertainty,
an agile approach might not be adequate, since regu-
lar controls and reviews would not be necessary if the
requirements do not change.
3.1 Initialization phase
This first stage focuses on two important documents
detailed in Table 1, one that defines the project (Project
Charter) and a document that shows the needs and
requirements of the project (Scope Charter). In order
to apply an agile approach at this stage, a reduction of
the documentation is proposed.
3.2 Planning
This is one of the most extensive, even using an agile
approach in the development of the project, the mini-
mum necessary documentation must be generated to be
able to keep a correct control of the generation of prod-
ucts, functions, functionalities and answers required by
the different stakeholders.
It is within this process where the 10 areas of knowl-
Fig. 2 Kanban board
edge that the Project Manager must manage are put
to the test [11]. Once the whole project is planned, we
start to take parts of it and define how it will be devel-
oped within an iteration, for this we will use a Kanban
board (in Figure 2) to manage all the tasks [12].
3.3 Execution
In this stage, all the procedures necessary to complete
the work established in the project management plan
are carried out in order to meet the established require-
ments. The Execution Process Group (see Figure 3) [13]
comprises the actions to complete the work defined in
the project management plan and satisfy the project re-
quirements. This involves coordinating resources, man-
aging stakeholder involvement, and integrating and ex-
ecuting project activities as set out in the project man-
agement plan.
Fig. 3 Execution process group
The main benefit of this Process Group is that it
ensures that the work necessary to meet the project re-
quirements and objectives is carried out according to
the established plan. Much of the project’s budget, re-
sources and time are dedicated to the execution of these
processes. It is important to mention that during this
stage, change requests may arise that, if approved, may
result in one or more planning processes to modify the
project management plan, project documents and pos-
sibly baselines.
Another crucial aspect during the execution stage is
procurement and resource management. This involves
ensuring that all necessary resources are managed and
available to the team according to the planned sched-
In terms of procurement management, it is critical to
meet the requirements to accomplish the tasks of the
current iteration. This includes contacting suppliers, re-
viewing the agreements established with them, verify-
ing that the products purchased are the correct ones,
and ensuring timely delivery of the products to the
work team. In addition, within procurement manage-
11 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
Table 1 Documents of the initial phase
Project Charter Scope Charter
Purpose or justification of the project Description of the project scope
General and clear objectives Acceptance criteria for the different modules or deliverables
High level requirements List of deliverable
High level description of the project Project exclusions
Timeline of important dates Project constraints
Budget summary Project assumptions
List of stakeholders
Name of person responsible for approving deliverables
Formal assignment of the project to the project manage
Name of persons who have authority over the project
ment, the Project Manager is often faced with manag-
ing potential risks associated with these procurements.
3.4 Monitoring and control
In this phase, a performance evaluation will be carried
out according to the established schedule. The proposed
agile approach provides options for control and testing.
For this project, the continuous integration approach
will be adopted, along with meetings to discuss and
share the tasks to be carried out in each iteration and
to verify the correct functioning of the implemented
Approaches such as Acceptance Test Driven Develop-
ment (ATDD), Test Driven Development (TDD) and
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) will not be used
[14], as these methodologies are more oriented to soft-
ware development. The acceptance criteria will be de-
fined during the initial task socialization meeting for the
iteration, without adding more conditions afterwards.
It is important to keep in mind that any delay repre-
sents a waste of economic resources or a mismatch in
the schedule that must be corrected. A delay in devel-
opment affects both the critical path and the efforts to
correct it. Project progress control can be approached
from several perspectives, such as monetary expendi-
ture or development time and schedule.
In this paper, it is proposed to focus only on monetary
expenditure control, as it is the most relevant informa-
tion for the PMO and the customers.
The control of the implementation of the products de-
scribed at the beginning of the iteration is not exhaus-
tively detailed, as it is based on the expected results
and the established requirements. All requirements are
analyzed according to the characteristics of a good re-
quirement, both individually and as a group, and within
these characteristics, verifiability stands out. The re-
view of the correct functioning of the prototype or im-
plementation will be carried out through demonstra-
tions, in which the team will show the developed or
implemented elements. If sufficient functionalities are
achieved to satisfy a specific requirement, this could
be considered a milestone, and it is suggested that the
demonstration be carried out together with the client
to approve the progress or indicate if changes or im-
provements are required, thus ensuring that the whole
project moves in the right direction.
3.5 Closing
The execution of formal closures focuses on the com-
plete closure of the project, although it is also possible
to perform formal closures after certain stages. During
this process, various activities are carried out, such as
formal acceptance of deliverables, closure of adminis-
trative issues, and disbanding of teams that collabo-
rated together. In addition, lessons learned are shared
and final reports are produced. If an agile methodol-
ogy is used, the socialization of opinions on its use and
possible improvements will be encouraged. Although
methodologies such as Scrum perform closures with re-
views and retrospectives in each sprint or iteration, in
this proposal only the closing event will take place at
the end of the project, without using such framework.
It is important to keep in mind that, although it is ex-
pected that the project will achieve all the proposed
objectives and satisfy the client, this is not always pos-
sible. However, a project, by its very definition, must
be formally closed through the signing of closing docu-
ments, such as the Project Charter and the Scope Char-
ter. Agreements with suppliers must also be closed and
all processes that have been initiated to assist in the
development of the project must be formally finalized.
4 Discussion
The integration of PMBOK and agile methodologies
has been a topic of discussion in the project manage-
ment arena for the past several years. Both approaches
have their advantages and challenges, and the combina-
tion of both philosophies can offer significant benefits
12 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
to project teams and organizations in general [6].
On the one hand, the PMBOK provides a solid and
comprehensive structure for traditional project man-
agement. It defines a series of processes, knowledge ar-
eas and best practices that cover all stages of the project
life cycle [15]. This includes detailed planning, rigorous
control and extensive documentation, providing clarity
and control over the project scope, schedule and budget.
On the other hand, agile methodologies focus on adapt-
ability, collaboration and incremental delivery of value.
Agile teams work in short iterations, which allows for
rapid adaptation to changes and higher stakeholder sat-
isfaction by delivering frequent and functional results.
They also promote effective communication and ongo-
ing collaboration between team members and stake-
The integration of these two approaches can bring greater
flexibility and agility to project management, which
is especially beneficial in environments where require-
ments change frequently or uncertainty is high. By com-
bining the structure and discipline of the PMBOK with
the adaptability and collaboration of agile methodolo-
gies, teams can better address emerging challenges and
take advantage of new opportunities.
However, this integration can also present some chal-
lenges. Organizational culture and resistance to change
can make it difficult to adopt agile methodologies, es-
pecially in organizations that have been using tradi-
tional approaches for a long time. In addition, coor-
dination between teams and management of different
frameworks may require careful planning and commu-
5 Conclusions
The integration of PMBOK and agile methodologies
can be highly beneficial for organizations seeking to
combine the efficiency and control of the traditional
approach with the flexibility and adaptability of ag-
ile methodologies. However, it is important to address
potential challenges and tailor the combination of ap-
proaches according to the specific needs and character-
istics of each project and organization. The key is to
find a balance that allows getting the best of both ap-
proaches and maximizing project success.
The methodological proposal by integrating PMBOK
and the agile manifesto considers the opportunities for
improvement of the current situation, the good prac-
tices identified, the documentation found and the ob-
servation made, resulting in a methodology that adapts
to the needs of the project or company and solves the
current problems.
As future work is intended to implement the method-
ological proposal in a real case, in this way it will be
possible to verify the real benefits or drawbacks that
may present the proposal developed in this research.
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Alex V. Nu˜nez.
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