International Journal of Engineering Insights: (2023) Vol. 1, Nro.1, Regular Paper
Acidity analysis in different blackberry dilutions using IoT
Eduardo Teneda · Lorena aceres
Received: 5 July 2023 / Accepted: 3 October 2023
Abstract: The internet of things has expanded to all
areas, including the food field, seeking to guarantee
food and analyze its characteristics remotely. In this
work, an electronic system is developed that allows real-
time measurements and analysis of pH and temperature
and controls a mixer from a mobile application. The
electronic design consists of a servomotor (Mixer) and a
pH and temperature sensor (pH 4502C) connected to an
ESP32 board. In the experiments, the blackberry fruit
pulp was used in beakers with dilutions of 25%, 50%,
and 100%. The sensor probe was immersed in these
samples. In the results, the experiment was performed
four times so that the data were reliable; the measure-
ment was carried out first by measuring the pH in the
water for four minutes, then the sensor probe was trans-
ferred to the beaker containing the dilutions for four
minutes. The pH and temperature data recorded are
sent through WiFi to Thingspeak and are monitored in
a mobile application designed in AppInventor, then ex-
ported the data to make decisions regarding the behav-
ior of the pH, which allows identifying if the blackberry
has the necessary conditions for humans’ consumption.
Keywords pH sensor · Blackberry · ESP32 ·
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
The blackberry (Rubus glaucus) is a fruit native to
tropical South America, cultivated mainly in Colombia
and Ecuador [1]. It is rich in components such as antho-
cyanins and ellagitannins [2]. It is cultivated by farm-
ers in the Andes region and contributes significantly
to the generation of economic resources at the level of
small and medium producers [3]. It has nutritional and
Eduardo Teneda · Lorena aceres
Universidad Indoam´erica
Ambato, Ecuador
antioxidant properties appreciated by all types of con-
sumers for its pleasant color and flavor, as well as for
its health benefits [4]. Inadequate handling, transport
and packaging affect the morphological characteristics
of the fruit [5,6], decreasing the content of bioactive
compounds [7].
It is non-climacteric fruit rich in minerals and vita-
mins that requires care during harvest and post-harvest
[8]. Its high moisture content (91%) makes it vulnera-
ble to fungal attack and its shelf life is relatively short,
ranging from 3 to 5 days, after which losses are close
to 70% [9]. Blackberry has a fragile structure [10] and
its quality decreases rapidly during the post-harvest
period, which reduces its consumption in nature [11].
The pH allows predicting the quality of the food, using
a colorimetric scale [12]. IoT allows the interaction of
machines and their control without human interaction
[13,14,15]. Through IoT, farmers can monitor factors
such as humidity, health, temperature using sensors and
without the need to go to the field which makes the
agricultural industry more efficient [16].
1.2 Related works
In the study conducted in [17], wireless transmission
technology is used with various sensors to measure tem-
perature, pH, dissolved oxygen, water level in the fish
farm. The integrated data are transmitted to mobile
devices via the Internet of Things, allowing managers
to monitor water quality. A robotic arm with a pro-
grammable logic controller, a chip combined with a
wireless transmission module and an embedded system
was developed to perform the measurements. The de-
signed intelligent measuring equipment works around
the clock, which effectively reduces data losses caused
by personnel, material resources and measurement er-
In reviewing the literature, we found a work whose
objective is to implement the Internet of Things as an
information system to measure and monitor moisture,
pH, and NPK levels in mustard leaf crops with capillary
15 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
irrigation and liquid organic fertilizer. For this purpose,
a completely randomized design was used with two fac-
tors: the type of liquid organic fertilizer and the number
of capillary irrigation wicks.
The results showed that soil moisture during mus-
tard leaf growth ranged from 16.59% to 23.48%, the
higher the capillary wick, the higher the soil moisture,
the average water requirement for mustard plant growth
was 3.16 liters. The application of liquid organic fertil-
izer has a significant effect on soil pH and NPK levels
in the soil. Capillary irrigation had a significant effect
on soil pH, but had no significant effect on soil NPK
levels [18].
2 Design and Materials
To develop this proposal, a system on chip board is
used in which the programming for the operation of a
pH and temperature sensor is installed, a servo motor is
included to generate movement in the blackberry fruit
pulp that is in a 500 ml beaker where the pH probe is
immersed. The recorded pH and temperature data are
sent over the internet via an IoT platform and read into
a mobile application that employs a cloud database.
(Fig. 1 ) shows the elements used in the process.
2.1 System requirements
The requirements for the system to measure the vari-
ables and process the required information are as fol-
lows: A 500 ml beaker in which there is 350 ml of black-
berry fruit pulp. The pH-temperature sensor will mea-
sure the pH [H+] and temperature [ C] by introducing
the probe into the pulp. A servo motor is used to mix
the pulp throughout the process. Wi-Fi connectivity is
required to process the information through the Sys-
tem on chip board and to be linked through the IoT
platform so that the information can be read through
a mobile application. The system requirements can be
seen in Table 1.
2.2 Circuit and Program
The project design is based on an ESP32 board to which
the pH sensor and servo motor are connected. The To
input is connected to pin 32, Po is connected to pin 33,
G is connected to GND and uses a 3V3 power supply.
Regarding the servo motor the GND input is connected
to pin GND, the input for operation to pin 4 uses a 5V
supply. The system design is shown in (Fig. 2).
Table 1 System Requirements
Device Requirement Description Required
pH sensor
pH 0-14 value sensing
sensor module plus
BNC pH electrode
probe for value sens-
ing sensor
pH 4502C
Temperature Sensor
Temperature range:
32.0-176.0 [ F], 0 - 80
[ C].
pH 4502C
Servo Motor
Operating speed (no
load): 0.09 0.01
sec/60 (4.8 V) 0.08
0.01 sec/60 (6 V).
Operating angle: 180
Micro Servo 9g SG90
System on chip
System with Wifi con-
nection, analog in-
puts, I2C communica-
ESP-WROOM-32 for
IoT plataform
Store, graph and pro-
cess data in the cloud.
For smartphone,
portable, user menu
and Android operat-
ing system.
Precitation Glass
1.7 fl. oz. thick low
form borosilicate
Precipitation beaker
with 500 ml capacity.
Fig. 1 IoT design for pH monitoring
For the programming of the pH and temperature
sensor, Arduino is used, where three libraries are in-
cluded: ESP32Servo.h, Thingspeak.h and WiFi.h, the
pH input is connected to pin 33, the temperature input
to pin 35, and the servomotor is connected to pin 4 (see
Fig. 3).
3 Connectivity and Interface
3.1 Communication
The communication is done through the ESP32 board
which has WiFi connection, the data of the measure-
ments are processed through Thingspeak where these
16 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
Fig. 2 Circuit Design
Fig. 3 Arduino Programming Code
Fig. 4 System Communication
are stored and analyzed, then the data can be observed
through the application made to in the Appinventor ap-
plication. (Fig. 4) represents the communication of the
3.2 User interface
Through the Appinventor application, the user inter-
face is designed where a button for the mixing process
is shown, a section where the pH data graph is shown,
the section corresponding to the Temperature graph,
and a section corresponding to the pH graph. (Fig. 5)
shows the user interface created for the project.
4 Analysis of Results
To analyze the results, the installation of the system
was performed as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 5 User interface
Fig. 6 System Installation
Fig. 7 Design of Experiment
The experiment was designed using four beakers; in
the first one we placed water (400 ml), in the other
three beakers we placed 100 ml of water and added
(25%, 50%, 100%) of blackberry pulp, respectively) as
shown in Fig. 7. To verify the functionality of the ap-
plication, tests were performed in which a user used the
application to take measurements as shown in (Fig. 8).
4.1 Data collected
The data collected by the designed application were
pH [H+] and Temperature [ C] measured in blackberry
pulp at different concentrations. (Fig. 9) shows the data
recorded by the application for pH and temperature.
17 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
Fig. 8 Use of the Application
Fig. 9 Measurement of pH [H+] and Temperature [ C]
4.2 Analysis of the experiments
The data obtained were plotted through Excel, the ex-
periment was performed four times so that there is
greater reliability in the data, these were measured for
four hours in total, the measurement was carried out
first by measuring the pH in water for four minutes,
then the sensor probe was transferred to the glass con-
taining the 25% solution for four minutes, the pH probe
is returned to water for another four minutes, this pro-
cedure is performed with the 50% and 100% solutions.
(Fig. 10) shows the graphs obtained from the four ex-
Table 2 shows the pH variations in the four experi-
ments carried out; the pH variation in experiment 1 is
2.48% between the 25% to 50% dilutions and 0.66% in
the 50% to 100% dilution. In experiment 2 is 1.87% be-
tween the 25% to 50% dilutions and 0.97% in the 50%
to 100% dilution. In experiment 3, the variation in the
25% to 50% dilutions is 1.27%, and the variation in the
50% to 100% dilutions is 1.63%. Finally, in experiment
4, the variation between the 25% to 50% dilutions is
1.27%, and the variation in the 50% to 100% dilution is
1.62%, which allows determining that the sensor works
correctly due to high repeatability even though different
reference levels. For example, in experiment 4, the wa-
ter was mixed with blackberry pulp due to the changes
made from the sensor probe to the different beaker.
Table 2 Data Analysis
Concentration [%] pH Mean [H+] Variation [H+]
Experiment 1 25 3.22 0.08
50 3.05 0.02
100 3.02
Experiment 2 25 3.21 0.06
50 3.08 0.03
100 3.02
Experiment 3 25 3.15 0.04
50 3.06 0.05
100 2.96
Experiment 4 25 3.15 0.04
50 3.08 0.05
100 2.99
5 Conclusions
The system assembled for this experiment has two func-
tions that allow on the one hand to monitor the pH
and temperature, and on the other to control the mixer
of the environment where the system is installed. The
measurements can be observed in real time through the
application designed in App Inventor, the data were
stored in the Thingspeak platform and then exported
to Excel to make graphs and make decisions regard-
ing the behavior of the pH, which allows to know if
the blackberry pulp has the necessary conditions to be
consumed. In addition, it allowed to analyze the acid-
ity level of the blackberry with different concentration
levels. As future work, it is recommended that differ-
ent environments be used to monitor pH behavior, and
to determine which is the most suitable for preserving
blackberry pulp over time.
Acknowledgements Special thanks to CICHE Research Cen-
ter and SISAu Research Group of the Universidad Indoam´erica
for the support in this research. The results of this work are
part of the project “Education 4.0 applied to the teaching of
skills STEAM”. This work was supported in part by collabo-
ration with the REDTPI4.0 CYTED program.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of inter-
18 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
Fig. 10 pH data of the different blackberry dilutions by experiment
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