International Journal of Engineering Insights: (2023) Vol. 1, Nro.1, Regular Paper
Web page user interface development for business shoe stores
Gissela Gamboa · Jonathan Toapanta
Received: 20 July 2023 / Accepted: 10 October 2023
Abstract: The user interface for web pages is very
important and indispensable for many companies that
want to thrive. It offers the perspective of creating de-
signs for any type of company with a single software
that allows coding and coloring web pages. The ob-
jective of this work is to meet the needs of the com-
pany owner with a design created in Notepad++ that
is simple and freely available for users who wish to pur-
chase the product. It involves simple manipulation and
non-bold colors, as well as standard fonts that are visi-
ble to the customer. A satisfactory result was obtained
through a survey conducted with people from the Giker
company. We also designed the web page with four but-
tons that display each mentioned piece of information.
Finally, we manage to meet the company’s requested
needs, achieving the appropriate design for user com-
Keywords User interface · Web page · Companies.
1 Introduction
Companies have been innovating within the technology
field, enabling the creation of simple publications for
everyone. It is essential that there are always means
of communication such as websites and mobile applica-
tions available to those who are interested. The creation
of a website is the primary tool for disseminating com-
pany information and making it freely accessible to the
Thus, companies tend to improve the design of their
web pages with the aim of meeting existing needs. This
generates the necessary recommendations to achieve a
user interface that is easy to use, with attractive and
practical elements to fulfill its purpose [1]. The design of
the user interface is challenging and costly, which is why
automated generation may become increasingly impor-
tant in the future [2]. The user interfaces are designed
Gissela Gamboa · Jonathan Toapanta
Universidad Indoam´erica
Ambato, Ecuador
{ggamboa3, jtoapanta16}
to avoid eye problems, including visual fatigue, tired
eyes, irritation, redness, and blurred vision [3]. A user
interface includes software and tools that help develop-
ers design and implement the user interface. These tools
have had a significant impact on today’s developers, as
practically all modern applications are built using some
form of user interface tool [4]. The execution of a user
interface is primarily automated by existing tools, but
the design remains a manual task [5].
This interface incorporates a wide range of function-
alities aimed at achieving optimal system performance,
proper management of available robotic resources in
the environment, and providing the user with real-time
information about everything happening in reality [6].
Colors and visual design are the primary languages for
expressing emotions and the content of a web page. The
design of a web page is crucial based on user prefer-
ences. The title, image, colors, and structure of a web-
site affect the design style of its visual interface [7]. Soft-
ware is designed to provide primarily web pages and de-
signs that offer markup code, screenshots, and web tags
[8]. Cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things
represent two different levels of vertical digital integra-
tion. The integration of websites with devices connected
to the Internet of Things has required the creation of
new designs and development strategies for web pages,
where websites are designed with the permutations of
smart devices in mind [9].
Today, companies acquire attractive websites; the
creation of user interfaces involves a complex process
that includes various actors such as project managers,
designers, and developers. It streamlines the process,
which can democratize access to the web for non-experts
[10]. The effectiveness of using websites is strongly de-
pendent on their ergonomic qualities, which directly im-
pact the business. This is particularly significant when
it comes to e-Commerce, especially for lesser-known
companies [11].
Currently, the use of services through the Internet
has become increasingly essential in people’s lives. How-
ever, the low usage of websites by individuals suggests
that their interfaces do not hinder the cognitive and
33 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
physical abilities of people. To address this inclusive
challenge, a guide for web interface design was devel-
oped based on a review of the literature and organized
into the following categories: visualization, navigation,
communication, cognitive support, and user security
In related work, a new web application development
platform is found that uses declarative programming
and the business process. A business process is defined
that can efficiently and flexibly organize the program
process [13]. The structure of the proposed platform
consists of four essential components: the business pro-
cess, the user interface engine. The business process de-
fines the program flow and provides both the business
logic and the user interaction logic for a web application
[13]. In other research, the user interface is described in
web pages for businesses, where an XML configuration
component was used [14] to build HTML pages using a
generic interface, which could also organize widgets or
build textual representations [14].
Another study focused on the development of a color-
based classification method for websites. In that study,
they present methods for the analysis of websites of
companies based on visual information using their color-
based classification method for the web [15]. Further-
more, other research has also been conducted on the
creation of a web page, resulting in the need to make
it as dynamic and user-friendly as possible to attract a
larger user interface when visiting the site and gener-
ate more business advertising, while ensuring that the
information provided there is clear [16].
This work presents a proposal for designing a sales
user interface within a company, using a website and
Notepad++ software. The document is structured into
five sections: Section 1 provides an introduction, Sec-
tion 2 contains methods and materials, Section 3 presents
the research results, Section 4 includes the discussion,
and Section 5 offers the conclusions.
2 Materials and Methods
It is necessary to have a computer for research and to
download the appropriate software in order to create
a user interface design for web pages for businesses.
Additionally, programming within the software using a
basic language is required, which allows us to work on
our design. The website will feature a navigation menu
design that includes images of the company and basic
information. These elements can be displayed quickly
by simply clicking on the desired button.
In order to validate our website, a link to the web-
site was sent to three individuals from the company
’Giker’ so that they can assess its functionality for one
week. Based on the feedback from the company, we
will be able to determine the pricing for the website
design. Table 1 shows the five usability test questions
[17], which will be evaluated on a scale of 1-5. One in-
dicates ’completely disagree,’ two is ’disagree,’ three is
’neutral,’ four is ’agree,’ and finally, five is ’completely
Table 1 Questions delivered to the users
Do I think I would like to use this system frequently?
Did I think the system was easy to use?
Did I feel very confident using the system?
Did I find the system very complicated to use?
Did I need to learn many things before starting with this system?
2.1 Web-page requirements
The requirements considered for the web page design
can be formulated as: it should have an understandable
design; the page’s color should be suitable for the user’s
view; the font size should be neither too large nor too
small; it should use a standard font; it should contain
concise, summarized, and understandable information
about the product. Finally, the navigation menu should
have sections for viewing and purchasing the product.
Table 2 Company necessities
Necessities Solution
Online Sales Application Webpage
Company Information
Webpage window with the complete
company information
Product Description
Category Section displaying the
product with images.
Payment Methods
Contact Section where users can find
account numbers
Product Delivery Method
Through the contact numbers, send
the home address where the prod-
uct will be delivered along with your
personal information and a photo of
the payment receipt.
2.2 Web Page Design
This website is designed through coding, where on the
main page there is a bar with four buttons. Two of them
lead to another window, and the remaining button dis-
plays two options that will take you to another window
based on your selection. It will also include images of
the company.
The first button provides information about the com-
pany, where you will find images depicting the com-
pany’s history. On the other hand, we have the ’catalog’
button, which will take you to a new page displaying
shoe models, sizes, and prices based on your selection
34 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
Fig. 1 Webpage diagram
Fig. 2 Web Page Design (Home, History, Catalog).
for men or women. Finally, we have the ’contacts’ but-
ton, which opens a section with an email address where
people can reach out for any issues or questions. In ad-
dition, contact numbers will be provided.
2.3 Web Page Development
”Notepad++ software was used to design the user in-
terface for Web pages for businesses. We employed a
dynamic and visually appealing design method to make
it easier for customers to access and navigate the web-
site. Figure 1 illustrates the development of each section
that the web page will feature.
2.4 Participants
A link to the website was sent to three Giker company
employees, who had the opportunity to test the website
for one week. They will be the ones to assess whether it
Fig. 3 WebPage Development
is a good website and suitable for the company. These
individuals are employees who have been with the com-
pany for more than three years.
Table 3 Participants
Work Area Age Work Experience
Accountant 45 4
Manager 30 3
Saleswoman 39 2
2.5 Data Collection
The company is located in Ambato and is engaged in
the manufacturing of footwear for both men and women.
It has employees and the appropriate machinery for the
production of shoes. Giker footwear company began to
excel. The name ’GIKER’ is derived from the initials
of the owner’s two daughters, Gissela and Kerly. The
company is represented and owned by Patricio Gamboa
and his wife, Carolina Guerrero, who oversee the shoe
production from leather cutting to the finished product
ready for sale. This company primarily produces indus-
trial footwear, including shoes for police and military
personnel. They also offer women’s models in patent
leather and industrial styles. They have their own facil-
ity where the mini-company is located, complete with
specialized machines for shoe manufacturing.
2.6 Website Testing
In Table 3, we present the tests performed along with
their errors and relevant solutions. The first test, re-
garding user-friendliness, revealed an issue with strong
colors that could strain the user’s eyes. We quickly ad-
dressed this by modifying the design style. In terms
35 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
of response time, we encountered a slowness problem,
which we resolved by reviewing the code. Regarding
image sharpness, we identified pixel issues that affected
image clarity. To rectify this, we improved the image
format. Finally, due to a complex payment process, we
changed the payment method to something safer and
more practical.
Table 4 Experiments
Tests Conducted Errors Solutions
User-Friendly interface Strong colors Modify style
Response Time Slow Check Code
Images resolution Pixel errors Improve Image Format
Payment Methods Complicated Change Payment Method
3 Results
The website has been successfully designed, and its
most important feature is that it makes it easy for users
to access a significant amount of information. Busi-
nesses typically create their websites to serve as a com-
munication source for customers interested in the entity.
This research ensured that there are categorized items,
such as the ’home’ section, where you can find some
information about what the entity is about and what
services and products it offers. Finally, in Figure 4, we
see a person testing the design of the website. The re-
sult obtained, in relation to the outlined methodology,
consists of four sections, with approval from the Giker
Fig. 4 Completed Website
3.1 Collected Data
For this survey, the following questions were asked to
determine if the creation of the website is optimal. This
helps to innovate or correct potential design errors be-
cause the product should be effective and not present
the same problems that exist on websites that are not
3.2 Usability
We obtained satisfactory results with the company’s
website design. The website is suitable for users who
are new to comparing products online with the nec-
essary security. This page is effective when navigating
within the website, as it consists of buttons that quickly
lead to other sections. The usability rating obtained is
72.5/100. According to studies conducted on websites,
this work is above the established rating. Therefore, we
have achieved an appropriate level of acceptance of us-
Fig. 5 Usability Result
4 Discussion
In this work, the usability of a website was determined,
which indicates the use of the website as a user-friendly
and easy-to-use website for any user. Similarly, [13] also
indicates user acceptance of the website, which is easy
to manage and manipulate. The platform’s structure
includes the business process and the user interface en-
gine. Based on sales, the web page can efficiently gen-
erate each task, which facilitates the use of the website.
We can see similarities in both of the two activities that
involve an efficient and flexible business process. In ad-
dition, [14] mentions a design aspect, since the user in-
terface on corporate web pages uses an XML configura-
tion component. Similarly, for building HTML pages, it
employs a generic interface, which is similar to this pro-
posal based on HTML pages. Consequently, this work
also received good acceptance, similar to that of the
previous one.
Compared to [15], it was also well received in the
business context because it developed a color-based clas-
sification method for web pages, improving user visual-
ization. Contrasting with our design proposal, it relies
on appropriate colors for user visibility and includes a
36 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
sales link for users to purchase products in a more color-
ful manner, which aligns with the work’s focus. Finally,
[16] also obtained an acceptance rate of 100% for all
projects because they aim to create a more dynamic
and publicity-oriented website for businesses, empha-
sizing clarity and user-friendliness. In conclusion, we
have a successful track record in sales as we strive to
increase advertising within businesses.
Table 5 Comparative Results
Attributes [13] [14] [15] [16]
Efficiency 94% 95% 70% 95%
Satisfaction 92% 91% 88% 89%
Errors 9% 9% 45% 10%
Learning capacity 89% 94% 89% 96%
Acceptance 90% 97% 70% 99%
5 Conclusions
The work carried out for the design of web pages has
proven to be effective as it improves the user interface.
Easy access to the digital platforms of each business was
optimally executed, making it dynamic and providing
all kinds of information required about the entity. The
use of the software was developed using Notepad++. It
offers three information options, including a bit of the
company’s history, products, and contact information
for inquiries. The company location is also provided.
In comparison with other researched works, we con-
clude that we all have a common thread of work to fol-
low to ensure that the web page is user-friendly. I con-
ducted an analysis of specific questions that were posed
to three people from the company. In future work, the
goal is to use this website with more users and modify
the interface design for a better user experience and a
more impressive and recommended display.
Acknowledgements Special thanks to CICHE Research Cen-
ter and SISAu Research Group of the Universidad Indoam´erica
for the support in this research. The results of this work are
part of the project “Education 4.0 applied to the teaching of
skills STEAM”. This work was supported in part by collabo-
ration with the REDTPI4.0 CYTED program.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of inter-
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