36 International Journal of Engineering Insights, (2023) 1:1
sales link for users to purchase products in a more color-
ful manner, which aligns with the work’s focus. Finally,
[16] also obtained an acceptance rate of 100% for all
projects because they aim to create a more dynamic
and publicity-oriented website for businesses, empha-
sizing clarity and user-friendliness. In conclusion, we
have a successful track record in sales as we strive to
increase advertising within businesses.
Table 5 Comparative Results
Attributes [13] [14] [15] [16]
Efficiency 94% 95% 70% 95%
Satisfaction 92% 91% 88% 89%
Errors 9% 9% 45% 10%
Learning capacity 89% 94% 89% 96%
Acceptance 90% 97% 70% 99%
5 Conclusions
The work carried out for the design of web pages has
proven to be effective as it improves the user interface.
Easy access to the digital platforms of each business was
optimally executed, making it dynamic and providing
all kinds of information required about the entity. The
use of the software was developed using Notepad++. It
offers three information options, including a bit of the
company’s history, products, and contact information
for inquiries. The company location is also provided.
In comparison with other researched works, we con-
clude that we all have a common thread of work to fol-
low to ensure that the web page is user-friendly. I con-
ducted an analysis of specific questions that were posed
to three people from the company. In future work, the
goal is to use this website with more users and modify
the interface design for a better user experience and a
more impressive and recommended display.
Acknowledgements Special thanks to CICHE Research Cen-
ter and SISAu Research Group of the Universidad Indoam´erica
for the support in this research. The results of this work are
part of the project “Education 4.0 applied to the teaching of
skills STEAM”. This work was supported in part by collabo-
ration with the REDTPI4.0 CYTED program.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of inter-
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