Acidity analysis in different blackberry dilutions using IoT


  • Lorena Cáceres Universidad Indoamérica
  • Eduardo Teneda Universidad Indoamérica



pH sensor, Blackberry, ESP32, IoT.acidity


The internet of things has expanded to all areas, including the food field, seeking to guarantee food and analyze its characteristics remotely. In this work, an electronic system is developed that allows real-time measurements and analysis of pH and temperature and controls a mixer from a mobile application. The electronic design consists of a servomotor (Mixer) and a pH and temperature sensor (pH 4502C) connected to an ESP32 board. In the experiments, the blackberry fruit pulp was used in beakers with dilutions of 25%, 50%, and 100%. The sensor probe was immersed in these samples. In the results, the experiment was performed four times so that the data were reliable; the measurement was carried out first by measuring the pH in the water for four minutes, then the sensor probe was transferred to the beaker containing the dilutions for four minutes. The pH and temperature data recorded are sent through WiFi to Thingspeak and are monitored in a mobile application designed in AppInventor, then exported the data to make decisions regarding the behavior of the pH, which allows identifying if the blackberry has the necessary conditions for humans’ consumption.


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How to Cite

Cáceres, L., & Teneda, E. (2023). Acidity analysis in different blackberry dilutions using IoT. International Journal of Engineering Insights, 1(1), 13–18.


