Web page user interface development for business shoe stores


  • Gissela Gamboa Universidad Indoamérica
  • Jonathan Toapanta Universidad Indoamérica




User interface, Web page, Companies


The user interface for web pages is very important and indispensable for many companies that want to thrive. It offers the perspective of creating designs for any type of company with a single software that allows coding and coloring web pages. The objective of this work is to meet the needs of the company owner with a design created in Notepad++ that is simple and freely available for users who wish to purchase the product. It involves simple manipulation and non-bold colors, as well as standard fonts that are visible to the customer. A satisfactory result was obtained through a survey conducted with people from the Giker company. We also designed the web page with four buttons that display each mentioned piece of information. Finally, we manage to meet the company’s requested needs, achieving the appropriate design for user comfort.


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How to Cite

Gamboa, G., & Toapanta, J. (2023). Web page user interface development for business shoe stores. International Journal of Engineering Insights, 1(1), 30–35. https://doi.org/10.61961/injei.v1i1.8


